There is nothing more natural than living with an animal. While benefits of living in urban areas are many, research has shown that humans detached from nature suffer a lot more from anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, you and your parents may not be on the same page about this.
If you want to know how to convince your parents to get a cat, you’ve come to the right place.
If your family is on the fence about getting a cat or is still strongly against it, we are here to help you out. We all live very busy lives and sometimes it is hard to commit to having a pet. However, this is precisely why a cat would be the perfect pet for an urban family.
They are loving and loyal, yet independent enough to be able to take care of themselves. This is just one of the many arguments you can use to convince your parents.
We have made a list of strong arguments for letting a fluff ball into your home, and we hope you are going to find them inspiring. The first topic on the agenda is the benefits of owning a cat.
Then we will solidify those with a list of responsibilities you are willing to take as the proud owner of a cat. You will have your parents eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.
Bringing Forward the Positive Side
There are many plus sides to having a cat. We are sure this is going to be your favorite part of the discussion, so without further ado, let us point out some very nice things about owning a kitty.
#1: Health Benefits
There are many health benefits of being a cat owner, but we are going to cover only those that have been scientifically proven, just to make sure that your argument is rock solid.
- Owning a cat decreases the risk of stroke. Studies have shown that cat owners, in general, are less vulnerable to strokes than others. People tend to be more relaxed and easy going if they have a cat in the home.
- Cats can boost your immune system. Exposure to cats can reduce the risk of allergies in children and adults. This goes for animal allergies as well as other types, such as dust and insect allergies.
- Being around a cat reduces blood pressure. There was a study conducted where cat owners were put in a room and asked to talk loudly. This naturally increases the blood pressure. When they were asked to talk to their cats, their blood pressure rapidly decreased.
- The risk of heart disease and heart attacks is lower amongst cat owners than the average population.
- Purring helps heal bones and muscles. It has long been speculated about why cats purr when they are injured and in pain since we have always thought this is something cats do only when they are content. The purring sound is made by a special organ that vibrates at frequencies in the 20-140 Hz range, which have been proven to help injuries heal faster.
See Also: How Do Cats Purr?
#2: Psychological Benefits
Aside from health benefits, living with a cat also promises us plenty of psychological benefits, the most notable of which include:
- Cats can help you fight depression. Cats’ companionship has been proven to help people cope with depression. They are very insightful and can tell when you are having a bad episode. Just playing with a cat or letting him or her snuggle up to you can relieve some of the symptoms.
- You will sleep better. This is a very interesting benefit reported by cat owners. People who have cats claim that they sleep better compared to the time when they did not have a cat. Having a snuggle buddy is universally beneficial.
- Cats reduce the feeling of anxiety. The calm atmosphere that cats provide naturally help with anxiety. Moreover, playing with a cat and enjoying his/her comical stunts can help you relax and feel better.
Let Your Parents Know that You are Ready to Commit
This might seem like something a parent would say, but responsibility is the most important part. Cats live 15 to 20 years, sometimes even longer. Try to imagine this, and then think about how your life is going to look like in five years. How about ten? Are you going to college soon? Who is going to take care of the cat when you are not at home?
These are all very important questions to ask yourself, and the answers are going to interest your parents, too. Here is a list of topics to think about, and you can use them as a guideline when discussing adopting a cat with your family.
#1: Day to Day Responsibilities
These are things that would be expected of you every day. You need to take care of these basic needs which are essential for a cat’s health and happiness.
- Feeding the cat. Cats are creatures of habit, meaning that they like to eat roughly at the same time every day. It would be good to determine the time for meals upfront, for your own convenience.
- Grooming. Cats shed seasonally, and while they are perfectly capable of tending to their coat on their own, brushing is a good idea if you don’t want fur all over your clothes. Some cats need an occasional brushing while long-haired breeds need to see a groomer monthly.
- Cleaning. Even if your cat is going to be allowed outside, it is advisable to have a litter box somewhere in the house. A dirty litter box is a source of bacteria and should not be left uncleaned for a long time. It might not seem like a pleasant activity, but it is crucial to clean the kitty loo daily, no exceptions.
See Also: DIY Cat Litter Box
#2: Training
Every pet needs to be housebroken and taught some basic etiquette. Teaching a cat where to go potty, not to scratch the furniture, and that the kitchen counter is off limits can be a long process. Basic training does not take a lot of time but requires a lot of repetition and patience on your side.
These are some of the topics to think about before taking a cat in:
- Toys. Whether you wish for a kitten or an adult cat, having a lot of toys to entertain your furball is essential. Cats need mental stimulation as well as exercise, so a daily play session is crucial if you want to have a happy pet. Keep in mind that a bored animal will find a way to entertain him or herself, which might mean destroying your favorite armchair or houseplant.
- Potty training. Luckily, this is the easiest part of the training. For most cats, it is enough to pick them up and put them in their litter box, and you will never have to worry about it. Again, keep in mind that no one likes to use a dirty toilet, so keep it clean and change the litter regularly.
- Scratching post. This is a must for an indoor cat. Cats keep their claws sharp by removing the outer sheaths of the claws, which become dull over time, by scratching at things. Teaching a cat to use a post is essential for keeping both you and your parents at bay.
See Also: DIY Cat Scratcher
#3: Visits to the Vet
Just like humans, cats have to visit a doctor from time to time. Ideally, this is a rare occasion covering only the annual vaccination and a routine check-up. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and your beloved pet might get sick. This is why we’ve made some points that you should discuss with your family.
- Annual vaccination. Our immune systems are responsible for keeping us healthy. Same goes for cats. Kittens receive their first immunization through their mother’s milk. This milk, produced in the first couple of days, is called colostrum. It contains high levels of antibodies and fat that help the newborn fight all the viruses and bacteria in the new environment. After this, it is the owner’s responsibility to provide vaccinations, which further protect the pet from dangerous diseases. Cats need to be vaccinated every year. You can take care of scheduling vaccination appointments to show your parents that you are ready to take that part of the responsibility on yourself.
- Emergency fund. Accidents happen, and when they do, your pet must see the doctor. Unfortunately, these visits are not cheap, so it is important to think ahead. There are possibilities of pet insurance for such situations, or you can just keep some money in a stash for rainy days. Committing to put a portion of your allowance on the side for this cause is going to be a sure sign that you are serious about getting a cat.
See Also: Cat Vaccination Schedule
All of the above are activities that don’t take a lot out of your day to day life but are crucial for your pet’s well-being. If you are sure you can commit to all of these obligations and stick to them, make sure to stress that while making your point.
#4: Planning for the Future
After you have covered all the practicalities, it is time to think a bit further ahead. Your cat is not going to be allowed to go everywhere with you, and at those times, it is important that he or she has a place to stay.
- Vacation time. Where is your cat going to stay when you and your family go on a vacation? Think of a neighbor or a relative that would be willing to cat-sit. If this is not an option, find out whether there is a good pet daycare center in your area and how much they charge. Find out all the necessary information and ask for all the details before you even start discussing this with your parents. That way you have a straight answer that is definitely going to impress them.
- Moving. People’s lives change quickly. One day you are in high school, and the next day you are a proud college student. This usually means that you will have to move out of your home or even your state. Who is going to care for the cat when you are not home? Discuss this with your family members and ask how they feel about it.
See Also: How to Move with a Cat
#5: Money
While it is true that owning any pet costs money, it is important to know that owning a cat costs significantly less than owning a dog or even some birds. They do not need a lot of food or accessories and are generally healthy and long-lived.
- Bare necessities. You can make a list of estimated monthly needs for a cat, including necessities such as food and kitty litter. Add the annual obligations such as vaccination fees and calculate how much it would cost to take care of a cat per year. In comparison to the costs of other things we casually buy, the amount is not much, and this is a good point to make to your parents.
- Cost of getting a cat. If the sole cost of buying a cat is what deters your family from getting one, you can always suggest adopting a cat or a kitten from a local shelter. This is killing two birds with one stone you are doing a good deed by saving a life, and you are saving some money. If there are no special requirements for someone in your household, the cat doesn’t have to be purebred. Your pet will love you the same, no matter how much you paid for them.
- Slash fund. When it comes to medical emergencies, no one can deny the fact that those can be costly. This is where one of the previous points comes in: making a stash for rainy days is a good idea, since putting a small amount of money on the side (think foregoing a couple of candy bars) over a long period of time can mean a lot when push comes to shove. This part will also help you learn about handling money, which your parents will surely approve of.
Wrap Up
We hope this article will help you in your mission. Living with a pet is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, and we firmly believe everyone should open their heart and home to an animal.
Do remember to keep your plead well argumented and to discuss things in a calm manner because no one was ever persuaded to give anything by hearing “Because I want it!”
Being able to discuss things as an adult will surely show your parents that you are mature enough to care for another living being. If you truly understand that pets are not toys but members of the family with their own needs, we hope your endeavors will be successful and that you will get a cat to love and cherish for many years to come.
Best of luck!
Do you have anything to add to this article? Let us know how it went for you! If you need some more inspiration, check out our article on why cats are the best.